1. Obviously, there is too many rule makers with profittering nature.
2. 不仅仅科学领域缺乏哲学思辨的传统。卢梭之《社会契约论》的形成也是哲学思辨的结果,政治制度形成仰赖于此。
3. They claim that they are doing something noble, and over 87.53% of people support them. In the meantime, you can find so many evidences on TV, radio, website.
5. There are so many people, include me, claim that they believe some principles and trust an orgnization. Well, sometimes they lied,and we all know that.
6. “不求有令名于天下,但求令名于君上。”
7. Remember you are in the mainland of China if you are shocked by some news.